

Artist + Professor + Art + Design+ Environmentalist

This site includes my galleries, publications, and projects from around the world. 

As the winner of the prestigious Hudgens Prize and a Distinguished Professor at Georgia State University, Pam Longobardi has appeared in the pages of National Geographic, Sierra Magazine, as well as on the Weather Channel. Her thought-provoking work has also been featured in exhibitions, galleries, museums, and public spaces around the world.

In the Maldives : Cosmopolitan Ocean Residency + Commission

A wonderful thing bubbled up from the deep blue sea this summer: an invitation for an ocean residency and artwork commission at Patina Maldives, an eco-resort with primary mission of functional sustainability and an art collection that includes a commissioned Skyscape architecture by renowned artist James Turrell. The Maldives is a place that has long been on my mind ever since I learned it was the lowest lying country on earth and would be ‘ground zero’ for sea level rise from climate change. The Maldives is an island nation of 1,190 coral islands, with 80% of them standing less than 1 meter above sea level. Maldives is also the home of a most inspirational person, Mohammed Nasheed, the man who spearheaded the first democratic election in the Maldives after 3 decades of a despotic ruler, and was instrumental in forging the first-ever global climate treaty, the UN Paris Agreement in

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Beautiful article in SparkNews France / Fabrique des Recits

I am so honored by this powerfully-written photo essay covering my work. Thank you @fabriquedesrecits for the article responding to my @earthsky interview, @sparknews for the repost, and @naturefinder Wayne Sentman for his great portrait photo of me after my scuba dive in Indonesia aboard the Sea Safari II. Translation in English follows French text below: ARTICLE TEXT IN FRENCH AccueilS’inspirer Pamela Longobardi & les déchet plastiques dans nos océans, de l’inspiration à la dénonciation 1Production & Consommation 7Rapport à la Nature @ Publié le 21 avril 2023 Et si les artistes étaient des interprètes, des traducteurs, des ambassadeurs du Vivant, dotés d’un sixième sens, d’un pouvoir magique venu on ne sait d’où, permettant d’accueillir les appels de détresse des êtres humains et non-humains, de les comprendre et de nous les faire comprendre ? Et si les artistes étaient aussi des archéologues en avance sur leur temps, des archivistes du quotidien, des collectionneurs de notre époque pour plus tard, des

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New Article Published on The Conversation + EarthSky !!

My art uses plastic recovered from beaches around the world to understand how our consumer society is transforming the ocean Pam Longobardi, Georgia State University I am obsessed with plastic objects. I harvest them from the ocean for the stories they hold and to mitigate their ability to harm. Each object has the potential to be a message from the sea – a poem, a cipher, a metaphor, a warning. My work collecting and photographing ocean plastic and turning it into art began with an epiphany in 2005, on a far-flung beach at the southern tip of the Big Island of Hawaii. At the edge of a black lava beach pounded by surf, I encountered multitudes upon multitudes of plastic objects that the angry ocean was vomiting onto the rocky shore. I could see that somehow, impossibly, humans had permeated the ocean with plastic waste. Its alien presence was so enormous

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Show in Prague and New York: Anthropocene – (In)visible Changes

The exhibition in Prague is an exchange show with Czech and American artists. I am exhibiting a series of large-scale photographic cartouches with a sculptural installation, and was followed by a 2nd show at Front Room Gallery in NY in Feb 2023. Galerie kritiků, Palác Adria, Jungmannova 31/36, Prague 1, Czech Republic . Curators: Vlasta Čiháková-Noshiro, Petra Valentová and Kathleen Vance Artists : Sasha Bezzubov, Pamela Longobardi, Stephen Mallon, Lucie Svoboda Mičíková, Jan Pfeiffer, Adam Vačkář, Petra Gupta Valentová, Kathleen Vance  The Anthropocene is a relatively new term in the field of geochronology, introduced by scientists to denote the period when humanity began to globally influence the Earth’s ecosystem. The term is composed of two Greek words “anthropos=man” and “kainos=new”. It was introduced by ecologist Eugene Stoermer at the beginning of the millennium and popularized by Nobel Prize-winning atmospheric chemist Paul Crutzen. He considered the influence of human behavior on the

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