Painting and Works on Paper

Painting and Works on Paper I utilize the genre of landscape painting to investigate the problematic psychological relationship between humans and the natural world while simultaneously suggesting an interconnected fate. My paintings warn of untold changes, exploring the imaginary and near-real, while envisioning a lessened human footprint and nature as an ultimately powerful and enduring […]

Giant Sea Cave Excavation ~ Greece

Drifters Project Phase II, Kefalonia July 2012

  In the summer 2011, Pamela Longobardi (US) swam to a massive sea cave from Liakas with Maria Rigatou (GR). It was immense and filled with many pieces of plastic, some very large. The two women swam out several large bags of material and large plastic objects. For Drifters Project/Kefalonia Phase II, Longobardi plans to […]

The Conscious Ocean

THE CONSCIOUS OCEAN proposes a collaboration that begins with the assumption that the ocean is a conscious entity that, in many different ways, from rising levels and temperatures to declining fish stocks to coral bleaching and finally to the deformed material plastic objects that float the world round, is attempting to communicate its declining state […]


Photography Photographic works that accompany Drifters Project actions, including forensic site photographs, Drifter object portraits, Prophetic Objects, and Plastic Crimes.