Show in Prague and New York: Anthropocene – (In)visible Changes

The exhibition in Prague is an exchange show with Czech and American artists. I am exhibiting a series of large-scale photographic cartouches with a sculptural installation, and was followed by a 2nd show at Front Room Gallery in NY in Feb 2023. Galerie kritiků, Palác Adria, Jungmannova 31/36, Prague 1, Czech Republic . Curators: Vlasta Čiháková-Noshiro, […]
Amazing 3-D Photosynth Image from Alaska

Andy Hughes’ amazing photosynth image from GYRE expedition in Alaska! Click here to see fully 360 degree image of Hallo Bay!
DIY Beach Cleaning!~ Avithos Beach

This is a still from my new short film “DIY Beach Cleanup~ Avithos” on Vimeo! In less than 10 minutes I cleaned a 50 meter stretch of gorgeous Avithos beach of 173 pieces of plastic. Try it yourself, its fun, rewarding, and for me, is providing new forensic evidence for my understanding of the dynamic […]